.... well only part of the above looks like me- it's the hand holding the wine glass....sentiment is sound though - just like "Wine O'Clock" at The Weston House...and I can hear you all sigh and say 'I remember it well' - except perhaps for Colin.We have fond memories of Colin and the Merlot- Colin you are famous amongst our guests but you surname will only be released to the media in exchange for squillions of dollars(just kidding...)Colin is one of our favourite guests a true gentleman who unfortunately viewed Christchurch through red(merlot) tinted lenses each evening when he went out to dinner- aided by Len with his wine pouring technique 'say when' and the fact that no one ever does so the glass is always filled to impolite levels of 'gosh- not that much'
This is our 11th season doing B&B and the mailing list of the "A" team guests keeps getting longer and longer.. it's your delightful company that keeps us doing this - more of a 'lifestyle choice' than a living!
Like everyone who is retired (oh - retired- is that the word???) with grandchildren, we have had a busy busy year....but oh so wonderful.Our daughter Rebecca and Pascal have presented us with this amazing grandchild- ok , grandparents always think their grandchild is the most attractive,advanced,intelligent little human being to ever set foot on the planet- but we are all right - aren't we?Calix is the best thing that has ever happened to us - I would never have believed that I could spend so much time playing,doing daft things and making certifiable noises-just to make a little child smile.I know you can all imagine me doing this - but I do it sober which is a true worry.But he loves his Granny and Grandad and that smile when he sees us makes the Madoff scam melt into insignificance.It is all true - like so many of you- we are besotted.
It has been a one of those years where yesterday was the 1st of January and we have managed to fit in some work too...we now have a lovely new website- quite a change from the old one and many of you are featured in the moving pictures that go across the top of the screen ...remember all those photos I have been taking - well they are now loaded in a Picasa Album ...see if you can find yourself... http://picasaweb.google.com/weston.house.
In the low-tech area...in our new website (same old web address) we now have a Newsletter Page - in the form of a Blog - so that you can add your comments which should be fun.I am supposed to update it regularly but playtime keeps interrupting me!My New Year's resolution is to be more regular.....
We managed a small break to Europe & the UK..it was the 50th Anniversary of Len's favourite Motor Racing Formula - 'Formula Junior' - so he competed in NZ but was a spectator in the races in Pau,Monza & Brands Hatch.We tried to come and stay with you all but it appeared you were all out when we arrived!!!(just joking)..... we spent most of the time in Europe and even went to St Petersburg - so our time in the UK was very limited and some of that had to be business.Wasn't the best of weather but then we have not always been kind to you weatherwise on your visits to NZ - however Europe & the UK have so much history etc to offer that one can always find something wonderful to look at (or drink) when it rains....sometimes I even shop (really???) but Len has paid zillions of Euro to Easyjet to lower their luggage allowance so that I can't buy too much(that is almost believable - I think their is a 'husband fund' at the airports so that you can all contribute to this- am I right Ladies????)
...so that is it in a nutshell..... New Zealand is still fabulous(2009 we stay home & tour NZ and we made our mind up to do this before the current financial crisis- maybe that was the cause) and remember our currency is very much in your favour.So grab yourself a bargain on the net and direct book with us and we will give you 'mates rates' and a bottle of NZ wine for every night you stay(not to drink here but to take away)Reading this anyone could be forgiven for believing that we just do 'wine o'clock' and no food!
Our best wishes go out to you all for a very Merry Christmas and a Prosperous ( or financially viable- at least) New Year but most of all we wish you Health and Peace because money can't buy either of those gifts.
all our thoughts
Len & Stephanie
Isn't he wonderful?
Thank you for your entertaining holiday greeting --- I hope we will get back to New Zealand soon to stay with you again as it is one of our most favorite places in the world. This year we did a trip to China but keep talking about how we must get back to New Zealand ---we didn’t have nearly enough time there last time around.
As always you would be our welcome guests if you can make it halfway around the world to Atlanta.
Merry Christmas
Budd and Renee
happy xmas you both,i now live in nz at gulf harbour,sold up in the uk last year DAVE M.
Steph & Len,
Thank you for your Christmas newsletter. So glad you are enjoying Calix. Our 2 grandchildren (Amie 6 – going on 13 and Ethan nearly 4 going on 10) live about 10 minutes drive away so we are able to see lots of them and they are a delight (well most of the time!).
A big thank you once again for starting off our New Zealand trip so fantastically. We really did have a memorable trip. I have bought Chris ‘Landscapes of New Zealand’ hardback as 1 of her Christmas presents and hope that it brings back many happy memories for us in the coming years. I really must get the ‘photo album of our trip finished. You may be interested to know that the SIM card you got for me will be on its 3rd trip back in February as it does the rounds with our friends as they visit.
Have a wonderful Christmas and a prosperous New Year and hope one of these days we may be able to join you once more for “wine o clock”
Hope to be back in 2010, via Hawaii and Fiji.
Season's greetings and best wishes for a prosperous New Year.
Richard and Wendy
Greetings from David and Sue Miller, wishing you both a very happy and prosperous new year. We have just been looking at the photo gallery of all your happy looking humans that have visited over time, most of them eating and eating well as we found out! Thank you again for looking after us so well and if we make NZ in the future we would love to spend more time in your lovely Home.
Kindest regards, D&S
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