Well I would have to say that 2009 goes down as the year that got away on us.
Great plans etc - but are you like me this year - just how come there seemed to be fewer days - or am I getting older and forgetting most of them? Both of the latter methinks, but we are both fit and well and waking up in the morning - so that is always a bonus.
Because of the economic woes of the last 12 months I haven't had time to think of Global warming. In fact Global warming seemed pretty promising in August with gorgeous weather and an early spring- but then the climate changed as it does, and seems to have been lacking in promise since - until last week that is, when everything has been back to normal.Well summer has arrived and what a fabulous day yesterday was - can you imagine Christmas in the sun? It really is to be recommended - cold beer , a barbecue , bare feet, parks and beaches. Still we have some of the northern hemisphere tradition though- fake snow on the wreath on the door and Santa and his sleigh from the North Pole! It causes a lot of laughter for our guests from that part of the world.
This is the first real Christmas for our lovely grandson Calix - at nearly two - he has realized that Christmas means presents - not just his - he will open them all. Although he was a bit disappointed with his present from his French Nanna - he thought cadeau was actually gateau - and is still searching for the cake!
It has been a slower season than usual so we decided to do a little maintenance during December - see the earlier Blog - it would have been better to take the time off and relax.
We have only just finished the kitchen floor - well I use that word 'finished' loosely - it looks almost finished - except 'the expert' used a new roller sleeve on the third final coat and while we no longer have runs and ridges we now have fluff - not a lot - but enough to need re-doing.... again- but not by 'that' expert - if you catch my drift!!!
This last coat was applied Christmas Eve - so today I am making my Christmas cake.
Of course this explains why I am also late with my Christmas News and next week I may just get ahead of myself and do the Christmas cards for 2010 - because they aren't on the horizon at all for 2009!
The City Mission however, was grateful for the donation and the gift of food. Plus the Carbon Credits I have gained for not wasting trees or air miles have saved the planet for another year.
As Kiwis we hope we take our environment seriously but we realize we can enjoy saving the planet if we think laterally.We need to plant lots of grape vines to gobble up the CO2, then we need to drink all the wine to save the jobs of the workers and the investment bankers.This is true sustainability!
We need to travel long haul only and not fly short distances ,walk or cycle when we can, eat locally grown food.
We need to live like we used to when we were younger and the world was a simpler place and the choices were limited. We ate seasonal produce from local farmers and we holidayed at home.
Our lives have changed so much, hard to imagine life without Google or texting - we have even converted to using GPS instead of maps!
I can , however imagine life without tamper proof packaging and plastic bags!I can do without a four wheel drive vehicle, out of season flowers and produce.
All our guests now receive a gift of a string bag so they can say 'no' to plastic - so I feel we are making a tiny but achievable difference. All skepticism aside - when Qualmark took on Sustainability as part of our assessment procedure - like others, I groaned - grumpy old women don't like being told what to do. But then I discovered I was saving money as well as the planet and the 'feel-good' factor kicked in - so I will do what I can.We now have Silver status - which we are happy with - Gold means more paper work ( doing it isn't enough - you must have a paper(or record) trail) - and that means bureaucracy 'rules' - and I don't hold with that at all - me being a grumpy old woman!
We also holidayed at home this year - no virtue or sacrifice I might add - but we thought it was time we revisited our own country. It was magic - and more road trips are on the cards. I have completed the South Island Journeys ( see archived blogs ) and these may be of help to your family or friends who may be coming to NZ.We took your advice and included some of the places you have stumbled upon as well. With GPS you can't really get lost - just as long as you have the destination added - so you can explore and travel the roads less visited.
Our North Island Journey was also fascinating and here we took some of the routes recommended by Tourism New Zealand - their Themed Highways are well worth planning your trip around - however those blogs are in the pipeline for the New Year.
Finally, before you all drop off to sleep, I would like to thank you all once again , for enriching our lives so much when you stay.You are a fun bunch of people and a joy to share our home with.
It is wonderful to hear from so many of you and to have so many referrals and return guests - we have been 'doing' B&B for nearly 13 years now - so you must be doing something right to keep us here.
Don't forget - we give serious discount to returning guests - and your referrals will get 'mates' rates also - if they are your friends they are welcome at The Weston House.
Do check out our web albums - linked from the blog page. You may just see yourselves - and you can also see our family progress as well - Rebecca's blogs are great to read.Hers are talented , have shorter sentences and are economical in the grammatical sense but great reading - there is so much love in them
Of course, him indoors(aka Len), is a big softy and a smitten Grandad and I love being a Granny - it is so much fun. My parents used to say about my grandparents that the relationship was 'all care- no responsibility' - how right they were and how wonderful it all is - I relish and enjoy every minute I spend with the darling little boy - and if I cause a little mischief - so be it - that's part of the twinkle in my eye.
Our son Andrew is still in Argentiere - still loving the Alps and assures us his French is improving - as it should after 5 years!In between snowboarding and some fairly extreme outdoor activities he fits in enough building to finance it all. We didn't travel to France this year but in 2010 we will - we fancy a short drive from Amsterdam to Venice - via the French Alps and the Italian Lakes.
The Big Boy and the Little Boy
Seasons greetings to you all and the very best for 2010
Len & Stephanie
PS Thank you to all who have added lovely reviews about us on the TripAdvisor website.
If you haven't and would like too then Trip Advisor have made it easy by providing the simple link below
Seasons greetings to you all and the very best for 2010
Len & Stephanie
PS Thank you to all who have added lovely reviews about us on the TripAdvisor website.
If you haven't and would like too then Trip Advisor have made it easy by providing the simple link below
Thanks for the updates. I enjoyed seeing the pictures of you, Len and your grandchild. The house pictures are great. Les and I really enjoyed our visit last year and hope to return in the future. Your home was the highlight of our visit. Loved eating at the Cafe also. I hope the coming year is a very good one for you.
Mary Harrison, Springfield, MO, USA
Hi--thanks for your newsletter and remembering us--we certainly remember you and your lovely BB and wonderful hospitality--we do not think we have ever enjoyed any other BB and its hosts as much. We will return sometime and do the northern trip you listed--we only did half of each island in 20 days and will return to do the other half as we move along our "Bucket List" of travels. We wish you and yours a wonderful and successful 2010--J/S St Louis Missouri
Thank you & Happy New Year !
Best regards,
Tero & Cathy
Gosh....truly sober ... must be old.I can't even delete or alter my own comments.It is lovely to receive Christmas emails from you all - as I assemble the mailing lists ( more than one as my ISP thinks I'm spam - "How very dare they !" to quote Catherine Tate) I'm amazed how I remember you all - mind you my mailing list is limited to the very best of you and after 12 & a bit years that is at about 98% - what a lovely group you are.
Hi to the lovely Weston House and its owners,
Or should that be the other way round?!!!
Thanks for your super greetings and blog. Just thought you might like to know that grandchildren are the reward for not killing your children!!
All the very best,
John and Viv
Happy New Year to you too. Your banner was very pretty.
'Wish we were there' is an understatement, given that we seem to be in the intial stages of the worst winter for 30 or 40 years. At the moment all things are relative and Budleigh Salterton has just a little snow and a little frost so's we don't feel too detached from those suffering worse inland. Don't like to count our blessings too soon because if an easterly wind sets in there's nothing much twixt us and the Russian steppes. But all will be fine so long as those nice Russians keep sending us their Siberian natural gas!
Hope all the cold weather sends lots of us in your direction,
Pam and Tony Harber
Dear Len & Steph, Thanks for your good wishes for 2010 even if they did make us think of returning!! Just remember we are past the shortest day and summer is round the corner. How you are having a really good season Bob & Pat
Hi Len and Stephanie,
Thanks for the seasonal greetings, and we wish you both good health for the new year. Sorry we will not be getting to CHCH this year since we are going direst to Perth/Freemantle to "do" the South-West of Australia. for a couple of months (Joan got two seats for the price of one for the direct Emirates flights). Hopefully back to NZ next year so do your best to get the $NZ down versus the £UK. We will do our bit by voting out the current UK government not that any of them can now be trusted to do what is needed.
Kind regards Joan and Bryan D.
Dear Len & Stephanie
Thanks for the update on all your news.
You won't remember us, so I attach a photo of us on the Fox Glacier...the same day that you put us on the train to Greymouth! You can get a lot done in NZ!
You, along with many others, gave us the best holiday ever in sunny NZ. At the end of 7 weeks, we had one wet day...in a rain forest near Haast. Sunshine and happy days all the way, brilliant.
We loved our stay with you, and your cosy drinks parties in the evening, were great fun, do continue them, even if it does bankrupt you!
Many happy memories, too many to recount, but Stewart Island was fascinating, known locally as "grey island" as it is usually rainy, not for us though,, and the most southerly fish and chip shop in the world...blue cod!
Happy New Year
Phil and Sandra
Dear Stephany and Len,
Thank you for your wonderful and funny New Years wishes.
All is well here, too busy, but I guess that is good in these times!!!
Eric did visit Christchurch in Oct. with his research team, you may have seen local broadcasts on the "HIPPO' flights.
He is planning on returning somewhere in March,; you may even get quick visit?
Wishing you all you hope for in 2010,
Jim and Ina Kort
How lovely to hear from you and glad you are all well.
We had a lovely Christmas but are now in the throes of one of the coldest winters ever (what happened to global warming!) However we are off to South Africa in about ten days time so things should be warm there. Also taking in Mauritius this time so that should be fun.
Best wishes and Happy New Year
Heather Wells
Happy New Year to you 2 too. Your grandson is gorgeous. Bet Christmas was superb. We have attached a photo of our clan which you can ignore cos you are busy people but we enjoy sending!!
It is 3 years (Feb 07) since we stayed with you in your wonderful Weston House but we do still think of you both and the hilarious joke telling session we had during evening drinks. Can you remember the Essex girl safe sex joke? We seem to recall that you particularly liked that one.
If we get any really, really good jokes via e-mail we will forward them on so you can entertain guests; well some of them anyway!. Don't worry we won't clog up your server with hundreds.
With every good wish
Barrie and Jennie Everitt (Yorkshire)
PS we did do a Tripadvisor rave review!
Dear Len and Stephanie
A happy New Year to both of you. Stuart and I can’t believe it’s a year since we stayed at your lovely home in Christchurch. Much has happened since but also to you too judging by your blog which is very entertaining.
Kindest regards to you both
Anne and Stuart Coles
Our best wishes to you both from the Seattle Washington (USA) area. A wet Christmas, common in these parts. It was almost exactly 7 years ago (December 2002) that we enjoyed your hospitality and look forward to another visit at some point. We now have an 18 month old daughter and we frequently tell her how wonderful your beautiful country of New Zealand is and how warm were its people, typified by Len and Stephanie in Christchurch. All our best for 2010.
Mark Hood, Linda Lee and Emilee
Dear Stephanie and Len It was great to hear from you. Best Wishes for 2010! As I look out my office window we are having a blinding snowstorm and the temperature is currently 8 degrees in Connecticut. Do I ever envy you right now with a cool crisp white wine. Jackie and I are actually planning another trip to your neck of the woods probably going south this time and somehow including Tasmania. I will keep you posted or better yet maybe some suggestions. All the best! Jackie and Ken Walsh Connecticut, USA
All the best to you two,
JS (just back from a week in Val d'Isere)
Hello dear friends. We wish you an enjoyable and healthy 2010.
We think of y’all often and regret our travels don’t connect us for more frequent reunions.
Gordon and Tim visit us frequently. They often drop-in en route for business, or spend vacations here. Jen and Tom live only a few miles away, so family gatherings are plentiful. One of our great delights of retirement is having the time to enjoy our adult kids and grandchildren.
We travel to South Africa with Tim and his girlfriend Adisa in mid February. We will visit my Mama who turns 94 in April, then on to our favorite game park Londolozi, terminating in Cape Town for a week where Brend has a 50th high school reunion.
In the summer we all hope to gather in Europe for another get-together.
This Fall we had a Ken Burns National Parks series aired on Public Television which vividly reinforced the need for us to also visit our diverse National Parks right here in the USA. With 58 spread across the country we have a long way to go!
Life here gets busy again, as Charleston cranks up in January for the winter season filled with arts and leisure activities that can sometimes be overwhelming in terms of choice. A nice dilemma.
Fondly, D and B
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